Project 2.4 Constructing your proposal

Constructing Your Proposal


The Menopause is often called the ‘Last Taboo’. I want to look at why and how art can help break the taboo. I will draw on my own experiences and research that of others to see how I can represent feelings, symptoms and hope when going through the menopause.

I will look at how the menopause and its symptoms can be visualised in my textiles work and create discussion to help understanding and awareness. In order to break down the taboo I need to ensure that my work resonates with people, allowing them freedom to discuss the meaning of the artworks.

I aim to do this with abstract work and the use of images and words. I also wish to look at creating interactive pieces as these can be more memorable and thought provoking.

Creating a positive message

The menopause is said to have many symptoms. My initial work has been taking  one of the most common symptoms of the menopause - the hot flush. I will also combine it with night sweats as the build up of heat in both these symptoms can overlap visually.

I will use a range of methods and materials to create work to represent the feeling of these symptoms in women. Looking at materials to create both the effect of warmth and heat build up in certain areas of the body. Hot flushes are not just a warming effect in the body, they arrive at any moment, diverting thought and, at times, creating embarrassment.

I want to look at why women feel the need to hide their symptoms and not discuss the menopause. Is this due to the ridicule often associated with the menopausal female from a male-dominated society ? Is it due to women not supporting other women in their issues? Do younger people either not understand, be aware or switch off to these issues ?

Do the lucky women who have very few or no symptoms empathise enough with others going through more difficult times ?

Within my work I will look at conventional thought about the symptoms and see how I can challenge these thoughts and their effects on individuals and in the wider society. Is a person going through the menopause deemed to be a sufferer or can a more positive outlook help with symptoms ?
In recent months there has started to be a change in discussion on the menopause. The media have a huge role to play in creating and maintaining a quality dialogue. This is something that I want to research and see how my work may help continue the discussion.


I have been inspired by an exhibition called Disobedient Bodies curated by JW Anderson at The Hepworth in 2017, where the body as a shape was accentuated and its form challenged by fabrics and design. This exhibition challenged visitor’s thoughts on what shape the human body actually should be, yet was full of fun and interest. I want to keep these thoughts in mind with my work. 

Within the textile discipline more artists are challenging society and convention and I will draw on their influence and see how I can develop mine. I want to engage with people and get views and opinions from them so I would like to incorporate immersive work, I will conduct discussion, surveys about the menopause to gain more inspiration for my work. 

I will research how others are challenging difficult subjects within textiles and see how I can build on thoughts and adapt them to my work. I have been influenced by the Bridget Riley retrospective by using limited colour palettes and abstract designs to create visually stunning designs. Often a hot sweat feels like a deep within the body abstract feeling which women never get used to. I feel abstract work really fits with the subject matter well.

A lot of my work will be representational as symptoms and feelings are very subjective, my challenge will be how to engage others with my work and understand what I am trying to achieve. I believe this will lead to more abstract ideas which can be both educational and thought provoking. 

I also want to look at how other cultures view the menopause compared to western society and how history has changed. I will look at the animal world and how menopause effects them particularly whales.


Use of words to educate in more visual manner

Working with a range of different materials from my library I will produce pieces to raise awareness of the menopause and its effect on women and society.

I will achieve my aim by creating abstract and interactive pieces introducing words and phrases where relevant. These words can be health and myth related and at times challenging.

I will scale my work to gain maximum impact whilst relating to a women's body. I will also look at the juxtaposition of words and form, material and shape to see what extra impact this can have on breaking down the taboo.

Current Inspiration and Research Material :

Books: Menopause: The guide for real women by Caroline Carr 2009

Healthy Menopause: Liz Earle 2019

Articles: Rewilding The Menopause by Joanna Pocock. -

Programmes: BBC Menopause Week
Surveys - I have conducted informal verbal surveys in small groups up to this point. I intend to build on to see how women are dealing with their symptoms and how they and those around them act to what they are experiencing.
Exhibitions: Bridget Riley, National Museum of Scotland, Disobedient Bodies: JW Anderson

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